
3 Systems
built into a single platform

Pricing System

From product prices and margins to quote and contract management, this system allows you to fully manage your sales process and cycles and ensure the complexity of a quote and contract doesn't result in misses that hurt the bottom line and cause profit loss in the end.

Projects System

Take a sold job and manage all aspects of permitting, scheduling, work orders, vendor and customer communications through the construction project with ease and efficiency. This system will allow you to manage all aspects of the operations while the work gets done.

Profit/Loss System

While the job is being built you will be able to see, in real time, how the project is performing on the P/L side so that you can be confident in whether the job is on or off target or if change orders are not getting accounted for correctly. No need to spend the extra time in the review process.

What our customers love about AWB

Pricing System

In the Pricing System you can manage all of your products and prices in a single place.  You can also make bulk updates to prices and products via the Export/Import function in the system. 

The Pricing System comes with a Lead Generator tool that allows you to easily create, manage and report on leads for your sales staff.  The system even automatically creates lead sheets for your salesmen to use on their appointments. 

The Pricing System allows your salesmen to easily create accurate quotes for your customers.  The system has special, customizable validations that ensure that misses in the quoting process are minimized to help keep your margins intact.   

With the Pricing System, contracts can be made easily from an existing quote and delivered to the client via email for e-signature.  You can also still do manual signatures or e-signature is an option if the customer is in your office and ready to move forward. 


Projects System

The Projects System allows you to manage your project and all of the assets and info in a single place.  No more looking or wondering where that drawing or image went and you can track where the project is at all times. 

The calendar in the Projects System allows you to manage your vendor and project schedule and easily filter or report on what you need to see.  Color based status’ for all calendar events makes it easy to know what has been done or started and what is still open. 

The Projects System allows you to customize and create your own project milestones that can trigger automated messages to customers when those milestones are started or completed in the project.  

The Projects System will allow you to send emails to vendors, customers, staff or anyone else that you want to communicate details of work orders or calendar events.   Now you can consolidate your communications through the system platform so that everyone stays on the same page during the project. 


Profit/Loss System

The Profit/Loss system does real time analysis of your vendor bills for a signed contract so that your accounting department knows whether the bill is good or not good to pay.  This kind of information used to only be available via manual reviews or post the project completion but now you can know with confidence whether the project is on target or off based on what was sold compared to what is being built. 

  • Quickbooks Integration
  • Bill Analysis 
  • Real Time Verification of Vendor Services
  • Project Profitability Overview

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Software solutions developed specifically for the pool and patio industry.

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Email: i[email protected]
Phone: 972-850-8250

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